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- -----------------------------------------
- --== Zero-X ==--
- for Atari
- -----------------------------------------
- News since pre-release 1.a
- ==========================
- * Mix:
- Block mark an area (in block mode) and Copy it to the clipboard.
- Block mark a new area in the same sample or load a new sample.
- Select Mix; the contents of your clipboard will be mixed together
- with the block marked area.
- * FDI: Better working FDI support
- * Lots of minor bug fixes and changes.
- * Several menus has been re-placed for a more intuitive user
- interface.
- * Improved SCSI SMDI support.
- * Improved SDS Midi support (especially for ST/STE users).
- Transfer via midi SDS will now work with more samplers (that
- supports SDS).
- * Improved precision in Split drums (but it will get even better)
- * CalcBPM:
- calculates the BPM between the LoopStart and LoopEnd.
- Note that correct Sample Rate must be set in the Header.
- * SetBPMLoopEnd:
- Set your LoopStart, Select SetBPMLoopEnd and enter required
- BPM and your LoopEnd will be set to that BPM.
- * AutoDrumLoop:
- Set your LoopStart, mark the area where the LoopEnd should be and
- select AutoDrumLoop. Your LoopEnd will be set to a position that
- equals the LoopStart.
- Note that you need a drum loop that has been sampled just
- a little bit before and a little bit after the loop.
- --- 9501xx ---
- * Save Midi file:
- Yes, it's finally here! After a SplitDrum has been performed, you can
- select Save Midi file; then a Standard Midi file will be created
- that you can load into most sequencers (CuBase etc). It contains
- information on when, the drums in your loop were played.
- It will place the drums on keys C2 -->.
- Not available in the Demo version!
- * New Levels menu. Please note that the default values SHOULD be
- Respone :200
- Fine Response :400
- Gate :1500
- If you are running Split drums and you want more split positions,
- decrease Response, if you want less increase Response.
- If the split positions are so late (you can hear the following drum
- click), increase Fine Response.
- If you want to get rid of split positions that are at a very low
- volume, increase Gate.
- * Enhanced SplitSetting menu
- New settings for midi file and CalcBPM functions
- * More information on connected SCSI device.
- In Settings, when you CHANGE SCSI ID you will get
- an error message if there is no SMDI with that SCSI ID
- connected.
- In TransferControl the SCSI unit name will be displayed
- even if its not a SMDI SCSI. Send and Receive will
- be disabled if you have no SMDI device connected.
- --- 950113 ---
- * Swap channels
- * Mix stereo to Mono;
- Mixes the two channels in a stereo sample into a mono sample.
- The max volume of the mono mix will be the same as the
- max volume in the stereo sample.
- * SCSI Akai S1000/S1100, Falcon & TT only;
- This has not been tested! Please send us bug reports!
- * "Bug" fix;
- The current zoom mode remains after a clipboard operation.
- * You will be notified if a new zero_x.cfg file will be created.
- * Fast dymamic movement of block markers and Drum Split markers.
- They will step one pixel on screen in all zoom levels.
- --- 950131 ---
- * Reverse block;
- just what it sounds like
- * Clipboard to Stereo;
- you are now finally able to create a stereo sample from two
- different mono samples, the sample in the clipboard will be
- the right channel and the current sample will be the left
- channel
- * Insert SplitDrumPosition,
- insets a split drum marker in the middle of the current one
- * Move SplitDrumPosition,
- the keys as moving block markers, slow but it works ;-),
- we plan to add drag and drop later on.
- * Check SCSI, button in settings with lots of new SCSI
- errors messages added. If you change SCSI ID in setting,
- Zero-X will also perform a Check SCSI.
- * Akai SCSI button but no protocol ;-), still working on it.
- If you have an Akai with SCSI, try the Check SCSI button in
- the settings and please let us know what message you get.
- * More checking and less bugs when Converting files.
- --- 950222 ---
- * Toolbar in the Sample Window!!!!
- A much needed upgrade of the user interface.
- Expect to see the icons improved later on. We have just
- included some quickly designed icons. You are welcome
- to send us suggestions for the layout and design.
- * High speed movement of any markers in the SampleWindow.
- Keep <Alt> press when you move the markers (by using the
- keyboard commands or using the toolbar)
- * New representation of XFade (cross fade).
- * Some bug fixes:
- - Export .RAW now works again.
- - Akai S-1000 SCSI works a little better...
- Please test and report!
- --- 950223 ---
- * Much improved Convert sample frequency. Very high quality!
- * User define Zoom level (an icon in the Toolbar).
- --- 950224 ---
- * Dynamic Zoom;
- Zoom In and Out takes bigger steps the closer it gets to the
- Overview and smaller the closer it gets to 1:1.
- This gives you a *much* faster zoom.
- --- 950302 ---
- * Several minor bug fixes and more error messages.
- * Improved Akai SCSI support, but still beta...
- Please lend us an Akai S1000 with SCSI!!!!
- --- 950308 ---
- * Basic support for importing a SampleCell PC-Wav file.
- Loop-positions are supported.
- * Much improved import of different PC-Wav formats.
- * Several minor bug fixes.
- --- 950310 ---
- * Several bug fixes regarding Clipboard functions.
- --- 950314 ---
- * Several bug fixes regarding Clipboard functions (again), and
- other minor problems (.cfg file, etc).
- * Major improvements on Akai S-1000 SCSI receive,
- still not perfect though.
- --- 950316 ---
- * Some minor bug fixes regarding Clipboard functions.
- --- 950319 version 1.0 ---
- * Bug fixes regarding 'Set Frequency' (F030/STe), replay
- frequency (STe), lock of soundsystem, setting markers at
- beginning of sample window, playing directly after receiving
- from midi or scsi.
- * FDI now works on stereo samples only. If you want to listen to a mono
- sample at FDI-frequencies, you must first convert the sound to stereo.
- * Removed autorepeat of some toolbar buttons.
- * SCSI-Receive for Akai S-1000 now works, but is very slow. We will
- improve this as soon as possible.
- --- 950501 version 1.01 ---
- * SCSI-Receive for Akai S-1000 improved and speeded up (FAST!!!).
- * MIDI-Receive for Roland S-50 now implemented (Send is yet to come).
- * MIDI Send and Receive for Ensonic range of samplers now works 100%
- (on ST's as well).
- * New Fade-types is added: Fade In and Out with linear or logarithmic
- scale (still a bit slow though).
- * Point and click for splitted drums: You can directly select any drum
- simply by clicking on it (i.e. you do no longer have to step through
- all of them).
- Maximum splits are now 150 (previously 49).
- * Improved stero support:
- XFade, Silence and Reverse can operate on both channels simultaneously
- (i.e. if you select both channels).
- * Blockmode shows also the length of the block.
- * Various problems corrected concerning received filenames for Akai,
- updating the window after xfade and zxfade, xfade-markers, digital
- noisegate, user defined zoom, targetdirectories for save, save as...
- and export as..., rubbish in statusboxes (ST) etc etc etc etc
- --- 950504 version 1.01a/1.02 ---
- * Fixed some problems concerning the sample window.
- * Value for User Defined Zoom is now changed in the menues and saved in
- the settings. When the U.D. button is clicked, the specified zoomlevel
- is set like for 1:1 and O.V..
- --- 950622 version 1.03a ---
- * Support for 14 MB RAM.
- * Lots of bugs are fixed.
- * Major SPEED improvements for sample Redraw in "Normal mode".
- - Scrolling is very fast even on 14 MB samples.
- - There is no notacible screen redraw (even on 14 MB samples) when
- moving a marker.
- * New function BeatSplit;
- There lots of things this can be used for but what is does is
- quite simple. You enter the BPM and the note value and BeatSplit
- will set up a grid (like DrumSplit) that corresponds to your
- entered values.
- The beauty with BeatSplit is that it is very easy to perform
- and that the result always follows the beat pefectly.
- When using BeatSplit on a drum loop:
- - BeatSplit always works on the *whole* sample, i.e. NOT like
- DrumSplit that works only between the loop markers.
- Just select "Keep Loop" (in the BeatSplit dialog box)
- to erase everything outside the loop markers *before* you
- perform a split.
- - Check that correct sample rate is set in "Edit Header".
- If you loaded a RAW sample or if your file header is
- corrupted, this setting is usually wrong.
- If it is wrong, Calculate BPM will not reply the correct BPM.
- - Check that number of bars in the loop is correct in
- DrumSplit Settings. There is no way Zero-X can find this
- out by it self.
- If it is wrong, Calculate BPM will not reply the correct BPM.
- - Select 1/32, and then Create Pattern to make most Drum loops
- extra groovy.
- * New function Create Pattern;
- - This function is an add on for BeatSplit. It creates an on/off
- effect on your sample. It automatically runs an SmoothEdges to
- avoid click sounds between the splits.
- - Only one pattern is available but we will add more later on.
- * New function; Smooth Edges.
- - After you have selected BeatSplit you can create your own
- pattern by using Silence. When you are finished with that,
- select Smooth Edges to remove the clicks between the splits.
- * New function Change Gain in block;
- Change Gain can change the volume in a blockmarked section.
- You enter a percentage value. If you enter a positive value the
- volume will be increased. If you enter a negative value the volume
- will be decreased.
- * Sample rate conversion on stereo samples, but only for increasing
- the sample rate.
- * Normal Fade In and Out is 100% faster.
- * New function Optimize block. Optimize Sample has been removed.
- If you want to optimize the whole sample, you must first select
- Mark All (ctrl+a).
- * Get peak now works only a Block marked area.
- If you want to check the whole sample, you must first select
- Mark All (ctrl+a).
- * In the Sample Window, when a marker reaches Sample End a "!" will
- be printed after its value, for instance "LoopEnd :100234!".
- * Calculate BPM can be reached directly from BeatSplit dialog box.
- - Default BPM values is copied from latest "Caclulate BPM".
- * Detune;
- This brand new super cool function will make your mono samples
- sound much fatter or convert them into a stereo file with a
- a wide stereo feeling!
- It works a bit like an oscilator 2 detune on an analogue
- synthesizer.
- It works fine on both sounds and drums.
- On sounds the loop is usually ruined after a detune. To obtain
- a good loop just perform an AutoSearch on Mono files and perform
- a cross fade on stereo files (only on channel number 2, right)
- * DrumSplit now supports stereo drum loops.
- Works *almost* as good as on mono drum loops...
- * Pause/Continue Icon;
- You can not only Stop the sound but also Pause it by pressing
- the Pause icon in the Toolbar. Next time you press the Pause
- icon, the sound will continue to play from that position you
- paused it in.
- * Keep Block and Calculate BPM are available from the BeatSplit
- dialog box.
- --- 950911 version 1.04 ---
- * Playback marker;
- A tiny little "spike" just above the sample will shows you
- what Zero-X is currently playing.
- * Crossfade between two samples (clipboard and current sample).
- * A specific Peavey SP MIDI driver.
- It supports the sample name etc.
- * Transfer Loop information (positions and status) Exclusively.
- Very handy when you have only changed the loop positions.
- For samplers that supports MSDS.
- * Send Stereo samples to Midi Sample Dump Standard (SDS) devices.
- As the MSDS protocol does handle stereo samples, Zero-X will
- automatically convert the stereo sample into two mono samples
- and send them one after the other. The wave number will be
- incremented by one for the second sample.
- * Much improved Ensoniq MIDI device driver.
- - Works much better now on ST/E.
- - Supports WS Key Range
- - On "Send all drums" it automatically places the "drums"
- on corresponding MIDI key.
- * Load TX16W samples;
- First you have to copy them to a hard disk or another
- diskette with "Cheeta", a share ware copy program.
- * Phase Shift (adjust?!);
- Great for creating a wide stereo effect on drum loops
- (mono or stereo) or any other part of music.
- It creates a stereo sample from a mono sample, but it also shifts
- the Right channel in time so that the right channel will be a
- little ahead of the left channel. You have the option to set
- the amount.
- Note that "Detune Stereo" is to be preferred to obtain a stereo
- effect on single sounds.
- * Save and Load Drum Split positions (in a file of its own).
- * L-I Filter;
- Block mark the click or any other event you want to remove and
- select "L-I Filter".
- The L-I Filter will smooth out any vinyl pop/click or any other
- unwanted event etc.
- * TimeStretch;
- Makes your sample longer or shorter without changing the pitch.
- Yes, finally it is here and it works on ST --> Falcon.
- This is version 1.0 so its a little slow, only works on
- mono sounds and the stretched size is not very exact,
- especially not on short samples, but it is here and it works!
- We are sure you can have lots of fun with it.
- - 1.00 means no stretch. > 1.00 mean longer and > 1.00 mean shorter.
- The more complex the sound is the longer time it will take to
- stretch it.
- - Select "Bass" if your sample consists mostly of very low
- frequencies. Note that a bass drum is usually better stretched
- with "Other" than with "Bass". Please experiment!
- The "Bass" setting is mostly slower than "Other".
- - We have compared the result of stretching lots of different
- mono samples (drums, vocals, synthesized sounds etc) and the
- quality was as good or better than both Avalon v2 and
- CuBase Audio Falcon v2 (both Trade marks of Steinberg).
- One big exeption is that CuBase Audio Falcon is capabel of
- stretching music and drum loops farily well, Zero-X is not (yet!).
- - The quality of the result when making a sample longer varies
- very much depending of what kind of sample you are stretching.
- Best result is gained from single sounds with a strong pitch
- and not that much complex frequency spectra. A voice can also
- be stretch very good.
- Effects and drums are harder. Music and drum loops are not
- recommended to use with Zero-X TimeStretch.
- If you want to stretch a drum loop, it is better to stretch
- the drums individually.
- - It is easier, i.e. the result is usually better, to make samples
- shorter than longer.
- - You can easily turn the TimeStretch into a Pitch Shift.
- For instance if you want to Pitch Shift something to a lower
- key, just TimeStretch with a setting > 1.0 and transpose it
- to a lower key on your sampler.
- If you want to Pitch Shift something to a higher key,
- just TimeStretch with a setting < 1.0 and transpose it
- to a higher key on your sampler.
- The quality of the Pitch shift is mostly better if you use
- Convert Frequency instead of transposing it in your sampler.
- We will implement a functions that will do this job for your
- later on.
- * Undo;
- Another much wanted function finally has found its way into
- Zero-X. It can Undo almost any memory destructive function,
- i.e. not marker movements.
- Undo *almost* any memory destructive function means that you
- can Undo all functions except for the clipboard functions:
- Cut, Paste, Copy etc.
- On the other hand Paste will Undo a Cut and vice versa.
- * Compare Loop;
- In the TransferControl you can now select Compare Loop.
- This will toggle between the loop positions before and
- after an AutoLoop/AutoSearch has been performed.
- * BeatSplit/Create Pattern in Stereo;
- BeatSplit and Create Patterns can now be used on stereo
- samples as well.
- * Mix from clipboard in Stereo;
- You can now mix to any or both channels in a stereo sample.
- * Mute;
- Instead of using Silence and SmoothEdges when you create
- your own patterns use Mute. Mute will do both automatically.
- SmoothEdges is no longer available.
- * Adjust Start and End marker (Block and Split) easier;
- Keep Shift pressed and click in the Sample Window. Left mouse
- key will set the Start marker and Right mouse key will set the
- End marker.
- * AutoScroll;
- If you use the new way of adjusting the Block size described
- above, the sample will automatically scroll when you reach the
- edge of the Sample Window.
- * Stop/Start the audio playback with the keyboard;
- Press the <0> key to stop the playback and
- press the <Enter> key to start the playback.
- * Export Drums;
- Save Drums has been replaced with Export drums so you can save
- in export format Zero-X can handle. You will also get a file
- selector so you can specify where you want to save the "Drums".
- The drums will not be named "drum_xxx" anymore. They will be
- given the name of the sample and the split number will be added
- at its "tail".
- * A new layout;
- - Most of the Icons in the toolbar has been improved (we hope...).
- - Several functions has been moved to a more logical menu.
- * Well of course there has been bug fixes and other minor
- fixes and changes as well.
- --- 951003 version 1.041 ---
- * Finally 1.04x is available for Atari ST/E owners as well!
- * Several bug fixes
- * Major Speed improvements in:
- Optimize Block, Change Gain, Cut, Copy, Paste, SmartCut, Keep block,
- Undo, Stereo --> Mono.
- * Undo is also possible on SmartCut, Digital NoiseGate and
- KeepBlock.
- * Mute and Create Pattern are much better at smoothing the
- edges to avoid a click sound.
- --- 951004 version 1.041a ---
- * Optimize Block and Get Peak is much faster.
- So, What's next?
- ================
- - We are about to exchange our SCSI driver for a professional
- one. This will hopefully make SCSI transfer available for
- lots of samplers. The drawback is that you will have to pay for
- it. The good thing is that is very cheap, about US$ 25.
- This *may* also mean that SCSI transfer will be available for
- ST owners, but hey, we can't promise anything yet!
- We are doing our *very* best to have the new SCSI version of
- Zero-X available later *this* year (1995).
- - Yes, we will support the ST sound chip soon. As you can see
- of the v1.04 list above we have been very busy lately,
- but hopefully it will be in the next release.
- - Speed, the TimeStretch will be faster, hopefully *much* faster.
- New functions that are written but not yet 100% included
- ========================================================
- * DSP for AutoLoop/AutoSearch.
- * PeakSearch on a file larger than current RAM.
- * Faster TimeStretch.
- Bugs that we know of (and will try to fix A.S.A.P):
- ===================================================
- * SCSI support for K2000 does not work at all
- * the File Selector is sometimes not completely erased when
- not using Selectric, please use Selectric!!
- Functions that we are currently working on:
- ===========================================
- * SCSI support for Akai S-1000 is still beta,
- please send us reports on this.
- * SCSI Ensoniq, Falcon & TT only (not much left)
- * More FDI support; Sample from the FDI and Falcon A/D
- * True MIDI dump driver for Akai S-950/900/Prophet 2000
- * True MIDI dump driver for Prophet VS
- * A Frequency/Time 2d FFT display (Falcon DSP only).
- * Equalizer (Falcon DSP only)
- * Sound support on an ST
- * Playback of a Standard Midi file (i.e. via MIDI)
- * ASCI support
- * Sample rate conversion (Decrease) on stereo samples as well.
- * True MIDI dump driver for Akai S-1000
- * Support one or maybe two new low level SCSI drivers. This
- will hopefully solve most our current SCSI transfer problem.
- * Better precision in the automatic DrumSplit.
- Functions that we plan to add quite soon:
- =========================================
- * Resample at a new pitch (tune).
- * Resample at a new BPM.
- * Do effect on samples larger than RAM:
- Sample rate conversion, Optimise etc
- * Basic filtering, LowPass, HighPass, BandPass
- Functions that we plan to add:
- ==============================
- * Playback directly from disk (Falcon only)
- * Basic D2D editing (Falcon only)
- Please let us know what new functions *you* would like to see
- in Zero-X!
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- For more information on Zero-X and/or your closest Zero-X distributor
- please contact your local Atari dealer or:
- Copson Data:
- Conny Pettersson Ph. +46-13-16 41 04
- Fax +46-13-16 41 04
- Vinga System AB:
- Peter Segerdahl Ph. +46-31-42 82 70 (office hours)
- Ph. +46-31-42 55 28 (evenings/weekends only)
- Fax +46-31-42 82 75
- E-Mail, Internet peter@vinga.trillium.se